One of the most important statistics to remember as business owners and shoppers on Small Business Saturday is that around 70% of the money shoppers spend locally goes back into the local community.
B2B Gift Guide > Sharing Your Appreciation this Holiday Season
Grief in the workplace > Signs, Suggestions, and Shared Sorrow
Grieving in private is difficult enough, but navigating your own grief or someone else’s grief in the workplace can be incredibly challenging - and something that we’re still dealing with here. Here are some insights and suggestions to help you and your team handle these situations in the healthiest way possible.
October is Cybersecurity Month > Keep Your Small Business Safe
Burnout is real > how to blow it out before it burns you out
For many, the past 14 months have been legitimately some of the hardest. We have had to adapt and pivot in every area of our lives on a continual basis. So, when you hear about the vast numbers of people experiencing burnout in their careers not to mention their personal lives, it isn’t all that surprising.