If you didn't know, it is Stress Reduction Month (if you are like me, you may think that is an everyday thing). Whether it's a situation with road rage out on the city streets or grocery cart rage at Costco, many, if not most, Americans are under a great deal of stress. And, if you are a small business owner, you are likely feeling more pressure than the average American. A Clarify Capital Survey found that:
17% of small business owners are worried about going out of business in 2022
61% shared that they were finding it difficult to stay afloat in the current economic environment
Supply chain issues negatively impacted 61%
The labor shortage negatively impacted 26%
22% were negatively impacted by employee retention
Whether you are a small business owner or not, many of the factors causing the stress are uncontrollable, but fortunately, our reaction to the stress triggers is in our control. Staying 'Zen' or 'chill' is the goal, but patience and calm are easier said than done. Since we have already provided you with several conventional avenues for staying cool under fire (nature walks, counting to 10, yoga, meditation), we thought we would share some unconventional ways to relieve stress. Maybe you could give them a try before your inner "Karen" appears or, even worse yet, your health and quality of life begin to deteriorate.
MedAlertHelp conducted a survey and found that:
80% of millennials are stressed about money.
Teenagers report a stress level of 5.8 out of 10.
83% of Americans are worried about the future of the nation.
"Americans have been doing their best to persevere over these past two tumultuous years, but these data suggest that we're now reaching unprecedented levels of stress that will challenge our ability to cope," Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, CEO of the Harris Polls CEO told the American Psychological Association.
While stress is serious, the coping strategies don't necessarily have to be. Here are some easy, simple, and fun ways to relieve a severe response.
Dance your booty off
Turn on your favorite upbeat tunes (save the sad ballads for another day) and dance around your home like nobody's watching! Yes, music has been proven to significantly lower your cortisol levels, release endorphins, and make you feel good. Exercise, of course, is a well-known stress reliever as well, so do them both together.
Drink orange juice
High levels of vitamin C, according to WebMD, have stress reduction properties, plus it is refreshing and will give you a boost of energy.
Hug it out
Hugs and physical touch are one of the best ways to relieve stress. Grab your significant other, your kids, dog, a tree, and hug out all that stress. We promise it will make you feel a little better, at least for a minute.
It has been scientifically proven that smiling (whether there is a meaning behind it or not) will help your body naturally relax. "When you smile, your brain releases tiny neuropeptides molecules to help fight off stress. Then other neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins come into play too. The endorphins act as a mild pain reliever, whereas serotonin is an antidepressant," according to SCL Health.
Chew some gum
In research published by the National Library of Health chewing gum was proved to reduce stress. "Like many areas, there are still a lot of questions that require fundamental research. However, the benefits of long-term chewing on stress reduction suggest that it may be a simple, cost-effective method of reducing stress and improving quality of life and well-being. "So anytime you are feeling stressed, break out the gum. You might even try Doublemint because, as you know, it will "double" the stress reduction!
Love on a furbaby
If you don't already do this consciously, start doing it now and with intention. Petting and loving on your BFF furry friends, your neighbor's furry beasts, or those at a no-kill shelter, will significantly lower your stress. According to John Hopkins, petting animals raises the level of the feel-good hormone oxytocin while lowering a person's cortisol levels.
Laugh your pants off
Laughing is excellent medicine. According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter does lower cortisol levels indeed. It can also boost your immune system, relieve pain, and improve mood. So, instead of watching the news when you get a free minute, watch your favorite comedians on Youtube instead!
There is no doubt there is a lot to be stressed about... a lot of uncontrollable things. This means it is important to have some coping strategies and to do some self-check-ins to make sure that your stress isn't getting out of control and your health isn't suffering. Try some of these less conventional stress relievers and continue to count to 10, seek the counsel of friends and therapists, and take that walk amongst the trees. And, if you can, delegate and get some things off of your plate. At Anneomaly Digital, we are experts at making your social shine, getting your business noticed, and growing your brand. So, consider leaving your social strategy to us.